Saturday, September 16, 2006

Building Wealth Quickly & Easily

Building wealth is easy once you know the secret, and the secret is easy once you understand the principles of wealth-building. Wealth building is all about getting rich. My friend the rich jerk will tell you that investing in Get Rich Quick schemes are in fact the fastest way to wealth building, and I concur. In fact, that is one of my wealth-building secrets that The Rich Jerk made off with when he absconded with my seminar materials at the airport. But he didn't get all the welath building secrets, and that's why he's The Rich Jerk, and not The Richer Jerk or anywhere near the level of wealth and jerkiness attained by me, the richest jerk there is.

Welcome to the Richest Jerk

Welcome to the Richest Jerk. You may have heard of this guy calling himself The Rich Jerk. That's what he calls himself: The Rich Jerk. He claims to be rich. and he's clearly a jerk. Believe me, if you want to build wealth and get rich, why listen to the rich jerk when I am the richer jerk. I am the richest jerk. A lot richer. And a whole lot jerkier. I will teach you how to build wealth and Get Rich Quick! Much Better than The Rich Jerk.